Tuesday, 26 August 2014

How To Choose A Family Photographer

Family photo by Kanwal
You’re all keyed up. Your baby is now an official member of the family and it’s the perfect time to forever capture this moment in your life. In other words, it’s time for fun shoots with your precious Ella, your beloved husband and Wiggle butt, your awkwardly adorable corgi.

But who’s going to take your family portrait?


Your niece is pretty good with her Nikon and your friend from the office has many Instagram likes, that must count for something right? If only you knew any good Sydney photographers…

It is true that, in this day and age people have become very proficient in their use of cameras, but still, family pictures should be assigned to professional photographers to ensure quality results.

When it comes to family photography, Sydney boasts of a wide range of specialists and great outdoor photoshoot locales. But who’s the best? A photographer must possess the following qualities,


Choose a creative photographer. A photographer has to communicate your family’s heart and soul, all in a single shot. Can your Nikon-using niece achieve this?

Family photography shouldn’t resemble those stock photos you get with a photo frame; flat, emotionless and rehearsed. It should vocally express the love and quirkiness that is your family.

A family portrait encapsulates the individuality of each subject. It magically brings out people’s features and character in a way words cannot.

Artistic Discernment

Photography is art. A photographer that doesn’t listen and just does her own thing, cannot express the soul of your family.

A photographer with artistic perception can discern your family’s nuances and subtle emotional relationships and highlight these in a photo.

Forget family photographers with fancy equipment and impressive qualifications — although they wouldn’t hurt — go for photographers with a soul full of artistic flair and an emotions-driven eye.

Customer Service

When choosing a family portrait professional you want someone collaborative and friendly. After all, it’s family photography you need.

Choose a photographer that’s willing to meet in person to discuss your needs. A person that so customer-centric that goes the extra mile in advising you on what to do to get the best picture, what to wear, what theme and setting would work best for your family. In other words, choose a photographer that’s passionate about their job, not one after easy money.


Choose a family photographer that’s perceptive enough to capture the vibe of your family. More importantly, choose a photographer that’s creative and willing to go to great lengths to give you an above par family portrait.

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